Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Is That a Birdie?

A couple of weeks ago, what started out as a normal day in the office took a slightly different turn.  An email popped into my Inbox with the subject header ‘Professional Freelance Photographer Required’.  My initial thoughts were ‘well you have the wrong person’, I am just a mere amateur dabbling when I get the opportunity.  On reading further it was all around the annual golf day that the part of the company I work hold.   I know in the past they have always used a professional photographer, but this time there just wasn't not the money in the budget to do so.  As a result my name was put forward (thank you Mr Pellow) as they knew I was a keen photographer.  The rest is history, although they couldn’t pay me I would get a day out of the office, my own golf buggy and a three course meal...well what could I say !
I have to say I was a little anxious not having done anything like this before and of course the weather was a little worrying as the previous week there had been nothing but rain.  Thank you to my friend Richard Danter for your tip about using a plastic shower cap to protect the camera/lens if it did rain.  Although it would have been a bit of a dilemma if it did, do I keep my hair dry or protect my equipment ?  Answer, take two shower caps!  I need not have worried as the day was perfect, although far too sunny for a photographer.  Getting group shots on the first tee that was swathed in sunshine was almost impossible but I did my best.
For a first timer doing something like this I don’t think I did too bad.  I did some research online and got some good advice from some other photographers (thanks Neil).  It was slightly daunting as I wasn’t sure where I should stand as I didn’t want to put them off their game by standing in their eye line.  I seemed to just keep popping out from behind trees!  I think there is a name for peope like that!
 I think in all there were about 35 people playing in various groups of 3’s and 4’s. I did my best to get as many shots as possible and the banter was great. A few choice words when shots didn’t go so well but always followed by an apology if I was close by ...such gentlemen!
 All the guys seemed pleased with the results.   I am always very self critical and as I always think ‘I could have done better’, but that’s my ongoing challenge. Hopefully if they ask me again next year there will be more than one photographer (Luke, that's you !!)
So here comes the birdie, and yes it was me !  I did get some rather odd looks from other players on the course not connect with my office wondering who the hell this woman was with the big lens !
I was really pleased hat I didn’t get lost on the golf course, I didn’t get hit by any golf balls and I didn’t crash the golf buggy!
Thanks guys for a great day.
Jackie x

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