Tuesday 15 May 2012

Singapore Sling (or mojito in my case)

They let me out again recently !  Well they do let me do 'long haul' every few years when the business need is there.  I was lucky enough to be able to visit our Singapore office again recently for the third time.  This trip was different though, I was not travelling alone but with my friend and work colleague Richard who I have to say was the perfect travel companion ! Previous trips I have travelled on my own, and whilst Singapore is a very safe place with a very low crime rate, I still didn't feel like going out for a meal or a drink on my own but maybe that's just me.

The trip started well as we were lucky enough to fly to Singapore on a brand new Quantas A30 airbus (one of those new huge things) and wow was it good.  You didn't even feel like the plane had taken off, and soooo quiet, hardly any engine noise. Sadly I didn't sleep which was frustrating as I knew the 'jet lag' would get me big time as it has done in the past.

As this was a 'business trip' I really didn't have the room to take my DSLR which was a shame.  A laptop case and handbag was all I could manage.  Maybe I should look in to buying one of those camera come handbags like the ones by Jo Totes.  So I had to make do with my little compact camera, which I have to say has been playing up of late, not sure why but that will teach me to buy a Nikon !

The weather in Singapore is tropical  at a constant 30 -32 degrees.  Amazing thunder and lightning storms that disappear as quickly as they appear,  The humidity levels of between 70-90 % really take it out of you when you are not used to it !  Marina Mandarin hotel was pleasant enough, however I wished we had booked into the Shangri-La where I had stayed in the past as this was much nicer. 

Couple of views from my window ....

And one from when I couldn't sleep ......

One place I really wanted to visit was Raffles, the home of the famous 'Singapore Sling'....and wow what a place.  I have no idea how much it would be to stay at this hotel but it's not cheap.  Blessed with an imagination,  the place evokes something of a bygone era.

We visited the famous 'Long Bar' which I understand was inspired by the Malayan plantations of the 1920's.  The large wooden boxes of unshelled peanuts are found on each of the tables and patrons are encouraged to drop the shells on the floor, something I struggled with for a while making nice little 'neat' piles on the table.  I have to say that eventually I did dispose of them on the floor with one big sweep with a beer mat, and it felt good !!!

All in all, a very good trip, got loads of work/training done (despite the jet lag) and it's always nice to spend time with the folks in the Singapore office.  I hope I get the opportunity to visit again as this is a wonderful (albeit very expensive) place with friendly and charming people.

Now sadly back to the reality of the UK climate ..... rain and cold, and some sad news that a friend and fellow photographer David has decided to give up photography.  A real shame to lose someone as talented as he is.  He kindly took some great shots of me a while back which I use as my profile pictures on this blog and the one on my FB page.  I hope one day we will see him back but in the meantime wish him lots of luck for the future in whatever direction he decides to take next. 

Signing off for now ...hoping to set up my studio over the next few months so will be looking for models again in the near future. Watch this space....

Love to you all and thanks for stopping by ....

Jackie xx

P.S.  I am pleased to report that there was NO flicking of eye masks across the cabin either on the outbound or return flights this time :)