Monday, 23 April 2012

One Day At A Time

Following on from my previous post which was a little depressing (sorry), we are beginning to start looking forward.  It's not easy, we were in all I can describe as a state of 'limbo' between the date Rob's dad passed away and the funeral which was only last week (3 weeks in total due to Easter).  It felt like life was moving on yet we were standing still, a bit like being in a dream, you are there, but not really if that makes sense ?  Special thoughts to some special people out there who are also having a tough time at the moment.  You know where I am if you need me.

Apologies too if I have not seemed myself lately or I haven't been in contact.  My head has been all over the place and I have been doing some daft things without thinking.  My only excuse is that I was probably away with the fairies (no alcohol was involved), that's my story and I'm sticking to it !

So to continue, I got back on the proverbial 'horse' when Becky and Mike contacted me and asked me to do a photoshoot with them and their lovely new addition 'Zac'.  I did a maternity photoshoot for Becky in late December so it was nice to finally meet their new son.

Meet Zac, who for such a lovely little thing has some lungs on him !  Thankfully though he did seem to like me !

I think the family spent about 3 hours here, well with a baby you never know what is going to happen next.  We did find out however, that he likes looking in the mirror, so my new mirror did come in handy again !

 A nice couple of hours spend with a lovely family.

I still have work to do as my lighting 'sucks' as the moment.  I thought I had it cracked, just shows you should never become complacent, I definitely need more practice.  It is difficult though when you come in from work and have to unpack everything, set it all up and then pack it all away again.  The studio idea is moving forward slowly and I have yet to order the ceiling mounted background (thanks Jo for showing me yours) but in the long run it will be much easier.  I will therefore be selling my lastolite background, train and bottle top cover at some point for a good price as long as it goes to a good home.  If anyone is interested let me know.

Time to sign off, apologies to some and thank you to others.

Jackie xx

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Time to get back on that horse ....

Many of you will already know that we have suffered a particularly bad few months with Rob’s dad’s illness.  Sadly he passed away on the 28th March after losing his battle with cancer.  We are now taking comfort in the fact that he is not in pain and suffering anymore.  Thank you to all my friends at work and at home for all their support during these difficult months, it’s nice to know that there are some truly special people out there.  All your emails and texts meant a great deal and showed that despite your busy lives, you still had time to contact me. THANK YOU.

While all this was going on I was also beginning to question my ability as a photographer.  A few disappointments knocked my confidence quite a bit.  I seem to be saying ‘thank you’ a lot at the moment, but my friends and fellow photographers Jo & Richard were there with some wise words.  Thanks for making me realise that it’s not just me that has the occasional ‘wobble’ ! I’m going to have to toughen up !
So what does the future hold?  Who knows?  A new camera body would be nice and also the website is a definite as I keep getting asked.  It’s all paid for, I just need to enlist the help again of the wonderful Elisa Everitt (she designed my logo).  Spare time is always an issue (having a full time job as well), so any going spare  is used on the photography side so I will leave the website to the expert!
I have some a few things lined up and have recently been asked to do some shots at a fitness boot camp! (thanks Holly).  So I guess all I can say for now is ‘watch this space’ ...and it's time to get back on that horse !

Love and hugs to you all,
Jackie xxx